The question or opinion is frequent, this is often wrong, regarding the obligation that a lawyer has to take a matter or to a client, given that he is a professional who should care little about the subject or the character whose defense of interests are entrusted to you.
The Right Answer
The answer is not absolute and, many times, it depends on certain questions such as whether or not you belong to a collective office, the dependency of the expungement lawyer johnson county, the one who is a lawyer on your duty and, also, everything pertaining to the clause of individual conscience, conflicts of interest or ethics or “charism” established in the office. But in general terms, the lawyer has absolute freedom to accept or reject the matters in which his professional intervention is requested, without needing to express the causes that determine it. Another thing is the advice of prudence and honesty when assuming a professional assignment, among which would include avoiding the assumption of causes that are beyond the knowledge or ability to carry them without loss or harm to the client, as well as those whose defense contradicts political or religious convictions, or that are incompatible with legal positions that the lawyer has clearly and repeatedly upheld at the academic or professional level.
The Right Step
And within this freedom to take up a matter or take a client, that of the means for defense must be included, in such a way that nothing diminishes their independence. In this sense, the lawyer must preserve his freedom to choose the means to be used in the defense of the interests entrusted to him and to avoid those actions in which, for reasons of friendship, kinship, or otherwise, may compromise his independence.
Many disappointed clients ask themselves this question after the first meeting or meetings with their attorneys. Maybe your situation is that you have already passed the phase of searching for a lawyer, and that you are waiting for a first date or the final order of the matter.
In this article, we present actions of the lawyer at those moments, which will indicate if he is the lawyer you wanted. You are overwhelmed by a legal issue that you do not master, you need the advice of a professional and the last thing you expect is that they do not take care of you as you deserve.
At the beginning of the relationship, my lawyer does not return my calls. The secretary makes excuses for you: he’s in court, he’s in a meeting, or he’s very busy. Given this, forget about receiving the service you want through these lawyers. Find another professional.
Quick response
You have left a message in voicemail, a message to the secretary, a phone call or an email to your lawyer. If in 48 hours, you do not have news, you can begin to think that this is not the attentive and detailed lawyer that they had recommended to you.